A little mom/daughter fun at Houston's best urban park - Family portraits at Discovery Green

January 24, 2018  •  1 Comment

Family portraits at Discovery Green--

Just before Christmas, on my favorite kind of winter day (sunny and 50-60 degrees), I met Brittany and Paulina at Discovery Green for their Christmas portraits. The mom/daughter duo were matched in a perfect shade of winter green that looked fabulous against the earthy colors of the park (and the blue mosaic wall too). 

For this location, I like to walk around with families to the various vignettes within Discovery Green, so we can capture portraits in a mix of settings that are sometimes urban, sometimes rural and sometimes artsy. Most of the rural parks around the city only offer natural settings. This park is great though because you can capture that look, walk a few feet and then take a few portraits that look more like city life. It's the best of both worlds. 

Like my little superhero cowboy in a previous blog, Paulina is also a fan of the comic book heroes. She prefers Wonder Woman though, over Superman. For the second half of the portrait session, she switched outfits to a sequined Wonder Woman T-shirt with some tights and sneakers that were glitzed in gold to match. I think she had a little more fun too once Wonder Woman arrived on the scene. 

As we strolled through the park, we stopped on a bench to read a book, checked out the little pond for fish, then last, we had a brief bit of fun throwing leaves...although I think her mom and I had more fun with the leaves than Paulina. It still made for an adorable portrait though!

Enjoy these family portraits from Discovery Green!

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