When it rains, make photographs - Family and children's portraits following a rainy day

January 22, 2018  •  1 Comment

Family and children's portraits following a rainy day--

I always hate to reschedule a portrait session, because I know everyone's time is valuable and finding a slot in the ever-busy calendar for family portraits isn't always the easiest thing to do. I'm pretty sure we had already rescheduled this portrait session (back in fall) at least once because of weather, so on the second (maybe third) attempt, we decided to go forward with the session. It was supposed to be nice out that day, even though it had rained pretty hard the day before.

If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. So when life provides mud puddles, you jump right in the water and make portraits in the puddles. I mean, what's more fun than that for a 2-year-old little boy anyway? I think dad had a little fun too.

Look at those baby blues!!!

Before we splish-splashed in the puddles, we took a few family portraits that were a little more traditional (and dry). 


For more portraits of this lovely family and their adorable little boy, check out some of their past portrait sessions below:

One year portraits

Newborn portraits


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Colortrends Painting(non-registered)
Like father like son.Both are looking similar,Perfect family
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