A knight and his shining steed - Anahuac, TX photographer

November 04, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

My Dad likes to say (in reference to himself), "I'm a jack of all trades and master of none."

Anyone who has met my Dad will probably beg to differ. He can pretty much fix anything that is broken, and if it's not broken, he can still make improvements on it. He can build anything he sets his mind to and that's where this story begins.

[Insert Disney fairy tale music here.]

Once upon a time, a knight named Brave Dave wished for a righteous steed in which to roam the land. A Shelby Cobra was the chosen breed, and blue it should be. He searched night and day to find the perfect breeder and Factory Five Racing was just what he had in mind. Now, he just had to wait for the steed to arrive.

One bleak wintry day, the message was delivered. The steed would arrive today. And so it did, late on that cold afternoon. It traveled cross country, all the way from Boston to Anahuac.

The fine steed wouldn't be ready for rescuing damsels in distress quite yet. It was in need of some work and training.

Months and months went by as Knight Brave Dave worked and conditioned the steed. 
The day had come for a test ride. Knight Brave Dave took his fair lady Becky for a ride where the steed ran like the wind.
Now only a beautiful coat of armor was needed.
Finally the steed, with it's shining armor, was free to run in the open country and show it's magnificent beauty. All the knights in the land were jealous of the fine beast.
It glistens in the sunlight and has the power of 425 horses. Oh how it roars!
The knight and his fair lady traveled the country in the beautiful blue beast for many a year, and they lived happily ever after!



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