Texas School - Katy, TX photographer

May 07, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Saying something like "words can't express" is such a cliche, but honestly words cannot describe how incredible my week at the Texas School of Professional Photography was. www.texasschool.org

It's funny how much I love photography education, considering that when I was younger, I never liked school. I did well because that was what was expected of me, but I didn't enjoy it. My favorite subjects in high school were athletics and yearbook, if that tells you anything. In college, I didn't really enjoy any classes other than my photography and journalism classes. School just wasn't my thing.

But photography articles, books, classes, conferences and schools are my thing. Everything new I learn about photography inspires me and encourages me as I build my business. This week was definitely no exception and set the bar very high for any future photography education I receive...you see, I had the best teacher at Texas School- Steve Kozak. www.stevekozak.com

Now, signing up for Texas School is an art in itself. About 1000 photographers all get on the Texas Professional Photographers website at 10:45 p.m. on January 3 to sign up for classes. You've planned for weeks or months on whose class you're taking. You fill out the form and get ready to hit "send" at 11 p.m. when sign-up starts and pray that you got the teacher of your choice. The popular classes basically sell out in about a minute or two. 

Now I never told this to Steve in his class, but he'll find this out when he reads the blog. Although I signed up at 11:01 p.m., I got my second choice. Not that I had anything against Steve; I just didn't know him. At my very first Imaging USA (a national photography convention), my first class of the day was with Doug Box. I really liked his teaching style. So, when I was narrowing down my classes (which probably took me a month or more), both Doug and Steve's classes seemed to cover topics I was interested in, but I was somewhat familiar with Doug Box's teaching, so that's why I chose him first.

But, I believe things happens for a reason. And I believe God put me in Steve's class for many reasons. I think God plants seeds in the form of people who will mentor you, encourage you and fellowship with you to help you make sound decisions and to move your life and career in the right direction. Steve has already done all of those things and I believe he's the kind of guy who will continue that for many years to come.

Steve started emailing us long before school started to prep us for his class. He made sure we knew the basics, checked to see if we had the right equipment and answered any questions we had leading up to school. He offered classes for those who might not be up to speed on camera settings or flash, and he printed workbooks for us so we didn't have to handwrite 90 pages of PowerPoint slides. I'm sure all of the teachers at Texas School are very talented and have their areas of expertise, but I bet none invest as much time in their students as Steve Kozak.

With that being said, I learned a ton in Steve's class...more than I thought possible in one week. I have a bunch of new lighting techniques to practice*, marketing ideas galore and a new perspective on my photography and my business. I can hardly wait to put all of this knowledge to use. My "To Do" list grows every day, even after already marking off a few items.

With these new ideas though will come changes that will affect how I do business. You may notice these changes when viewing my website, calling to make an appointment, when you are having your portraits made and/or in the way you preview your images after a portrait session. I'm going to start spending more time with my clients before, during and after the portrait session. I'm going to move a little slower to create better art. And the portraits, the wall art you receive from me, will be presented in a different way that you will cherish far greater in the future than a plastic CD that will be tossed in a drawer. 

I hope that my clients will respect and support the changes in my business, as they will benefit everyone involved. I certainly appreciate all of the support you've given me in the past!



*In reference to the lighting techniques we learned in class, here are a few images I made while practicing these techniques on the models provided for us at the Texas School.





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