On the other side of the lens - Katy, TX photographer

July 09, 2013  •  1 Comment

I recently had my friend Sarah (Silhouette Studio) take a few portraits of me. I had been meaning to have some portraits made of myself for my website and for use on professional profiles for sites like LinkedIn and the various photography organizations I have joined. Being a photographer and trying to coordinate with another photographer and moving to a new town all at once makes for a few scheduling conflicts. But we finally had a chance to get together in May. 

Although I was a little nervous having my photo made without my better half at my side, I was looking forward to the session because Sarah is such an amazing photographer. I figured she'd make me feel comfortable and make a great image, even if I'm not a model.

I arrived a few minutes early to scope out the location. I noticed it was clouding up a bit, but I wasn't too worried. Clouds don't hurt anything as long as it doesn't rain. Well about that time, Sarah called. She said, "I'm gonna be a few minutes late. I had to pull over because it's raining so hard I can't see the road." That didn't sound like good news.

But, since we had scheduling conflicts previously, I opted to go on with the session so I could get the head shots I needed.

Sarah arrived and we had to literally go "mudding" to get to our final destination. It sprinkled rain the entire session, but not enough to really get wet. Despite the weather, we made it through the session.

As one of my client's called our recent hot-June-morning session a "sweaty success," I'd say this was a "sprinkling success."


Jane Lee(non-registered)
Great photos!! The real Nicki shines through!!
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