Milestones of Baby Blue Eyes - Anahuac, TX photographer

January 20, 2014  •  1 Comment

This beautiful blue-eyed girl arrived early in the morning on February 2. Although I wasn't there for her arrival, I'll be there with camera-in-tow for her first birthday party and I can't wait! I've enjoyed getting to watch her grow so far and look forward to the years ahead. 

I first met Leyton when she was about three months old. But our story starts long before that, because her momma and I became best friends in the seventh grade. From the first time this I saw this baby girl's photo, I fell in love with that sweet face, and when I finally got to meet her at three months, she was a precious as could be. And I've been luck enough to get to see her every few months since then.


Although Leyton seems to always be a pretty happy girl, during six-month portraits, she wasn't too interested in the camera or modeling. I didn't get many smiles, but she never cried or whined, and she sure was a trooper as we dressed her up in lace, daisies, bows, bloomers and more. 

When it came time for Christmas portraits though, she was all smiles. I think she enjoyed entertaining us by giggling, "woofing" at the dogs and kicking her shoes off when she had a chance. I think liked having Mommy and Daddy in the photos with her this time.

Although the family lives in Arizona, we had to throw in a little piece of the Lone Star State for the Texas girl!

Uh....Mom, I lost my shoe.  Yes, I figured out how to kick off both of my shoes!

Stay tuned for more photos in February of this sweet girl after her first birthday!



Thank you for capturing our family so beautifully, and for your sweet words!
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