New beginnings in the New Year - Maternity portraits in Hermann Park

December 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Maternity portraits in Hermann Park--

With the new year arriving, lots of folks will be making New Year's resolutions and plans for 2015. One thing that guarantees lots of new beginnings and firsts is the arrival of a new baby. This sweet couple will have lots of those new beginnings in the New Year as they expect their first child in 2015.

Kelsey and Eric met me at Hermann Park on a beautiful day in November for their maternity/couples portrait session. It was such a perfect day. It was just the right temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and there were actual red, orange and yellow fall colors in the park. For my non-Houston readers, we don't get much of a fall-look down's usually green or brown, with few and far between.

We casually mingled through the park to find the perfect spots for Kelsey and Eric's portraits, enjoying the beautiful day and chatting about the upcoming holidays and the arrival of their baby. It was such a wonderful session, and I hope to continue to work with this couple as they become a family and their baby grows up.



For more portraits and #NEvansPhotos news, follow Nicki on social media.


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