Photographer's famous last words...just one more shot - Engagement portraits at La Centerra

December 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Engagement portraits at La Centerra--

Every once in a while I get requests for mini sessions. It's not something I really offer, for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that I have a hard time taking photos for only 10-15 minutes. I love my job and love to make beautiful portraits for people, so putting a time limit on doing that is hard.

Well, earlier in November, I had a couple contact me about taking some engagement portraits by the Christmas Tree at La Centerra in Katy. The way my pricing is setup didn't quite fit what they had in mind, because they really just wanted holiday-themed photos taken for Christmas cards and then later in the spring, they wanted to have a full engagement session. They seemed like a nice couple, and I really wanted to help them out, so I created a special "Limited Edition" session to fit what they had in mind. The session was only supposed to last about 15-30 minutes, but the couple was so sweet, and we were having so much fun that I ended up shooting for probably 45 minutes or a little more. See why I can't do minis?

I'm glad that I was able to take their portraits and make Christmas cards for them, and I look forward to working with them again in the future. It's wonderful clients like these that make every photographer love their job even more, and why we can't resist taking just one more shot...


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