More ch ch ch changes in #NEvansPhotos - A new logo for a new Nicki Evans Photography

August 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

A new logo for a new Nicki Evans Photography--

Each year I make changes to my business, building on what I have learned in the previous year. After attending the Texas School of Professional Photography in April, I began revising my prices and offering new products. Along with those changes, I decided that maybe a new look was in order for Nicki Evans Photography. 

From the first time my graphic designer sent me a preview of my original logo (the one I call my Photo Girl), I was in love with it. It was so me! And to those who know me well, it's still very fitting for me.

But, for those who don't know me and see my logo, they're probably thinking something like, "Does this girl take beach photos?" "Maybe she's from Hawaii." or "She probably does whimsical, children's photography."

I recently realized that my Photo Girl logo was no longer fitting for my business. I don't do beach photography all that often (although I'd love to do more), I'm not from Hawaii and even though I do take some whimsical children's portraits, I offer a whole lot more. I want my logo to be fitting for all types of photography. My specialty remains in the realm of family portraiture with a bit of a photojournalistic approach, but I don't want to deter clients from hiring me for executive head shots or classical studio portraits just because my logo is a little too silly looking.

So Nicki Evans Photography now has a new look. In the future, you will see the following logo or a slight variation of this logo, whether it be the individual block "NE" or a black and white version of the full logo. The same graphic designer (Debbie Feister) who made my Photo Girl also made my new logo, and I love it too!

I still think this logo fits me, because it includes a bit of color (I always think a bit of color brightens things up). The NE initials are my actual handwriting, and match the signature I put in the bottom left of all my photos. But overall, I think its a more sophisticated look for my business. Hope you like it too!

NE_idea_5_reversed_colorNE_idea_5_reversed_color Since I did love my Photo Girl so much though, I requested a personalized camera strap for my birthday. It features my Photo Girl and matches my new logo colors. Best of both worlds!


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