Stylin' in the city - Portraits of a hairstylist

October 21, 2015  •  3 Comments

Portraits of a hairstylist--

Rising Tide Society is a group I recently found that encourages "community over competition" among creatives like myself. I really love how their mission inspires us to embrace the community in which we live rather than being cutthroat business owners. It's a whole lot easier (and a lot more fun) when we're all on the same team.

Through the Rising Tide Society Facebook group, I connected with Emily. Emily is a Pearland-based hairstylist and owner of Reserved Salon. She was in need of updated head shots and portraits for her website and social media pages, so we met one morning just as the sun was rising above the city at Discovery Green and made these beautiful images. 

Occasionally I chat with people who are in need of head shots and they mention they don't want the corporate, suit and tie type of portraits because it doesn't really fit their industry or business. No problem. Head shots can be made in a variety of ways to fit you, your personality and your career. To book your head shots or a stylized portrait session similar to this one, contact me at [email protected].

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Sharon Beauty Prime(non-registered)
Gorgeous pictures and love your work. She looks pretty with the hair color.
She is gorgeous and love her hair color! Lovely photographs!
Megan Kelsey(non-registered)
She's GORGEOUS!! I love the pop of color in all your photos! So pretty!
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