Getting cozy in the country - Engagement portraits in Chambers County

December 16, 2015  •  3 Comments

Engagement portraits in Chambers County--

Meet Jenny and Josh. They're a sweet couple who were just married at the end of November. Although their love story starts long before their engagement, I thought the story of the proposal was a pretty sweet one. Their two families took a cruise together, and as they were having portraits made by one of the ship's photographers before dinner one night, Josh popped the question. Perfect time, if you ask me, because they have photos to capture the whole thing. 

A few weeks before their wedding, Jenny called to setup an engagement portrait session. My Christmas "Limited Edition" session was the perfect fit to give them a few portraits to display at their upcoming wedding, as well as some lovely custom Christmas cards to send out once they were back from the honeymoon.

The couple and I met at Jenny's grandparents' house on a nice fall afternoon. The house has a beautiful country setting with a giant old oak tree that makes you nostalgic for childhood days of climbing trees. For most of the session, we just wanted to feature the couple in this beautiful setting. But Jenny had also brought along a few gifts that she thought would make a nice touch to the portraits. They had been given an embroidered blanket and two Mr. and Mrs. coffee mugs that when put together, made a sweet, cozy portrait perfect for their Christmas cards. 

Even though it's a small role, I love having a little part in a couples' love story. Engagement portraits are the best! Don't they just make your heart sing?

Happy first Christmas (as a married couple) Jenny and Josh! And blessings for many years of happy marriage to come!!



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So sweet! I loved the shots with the mug!
Nicole Hensley(non-registered)
Super Sweet!!! Love the photos. and I love those mugs too! ;)
Damaris Mia(non-registered)
What a lovely engagement shoot! Love the mugs used :)
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