Ann graduated! - University of Houston senior portraits

February 18, 2015  •  1 Comment

University of Houston senior portraits--

One of the great things about working as a photographer at the University of Houston is meeting so many incredible people. Not only do I get to meet and photograph the amazing UH alumni and those who invest in the futures of the UH grads, but I also work with a really wonderful group of people in the Office of Communication.

One of these people was Ann. Ann was a communication major at the University of Houston who graduated in December. During her time at school, she joined the Bauer College Office of Communication as a writer. When I started working at UH in July, I met her and although I only had the privilege of getting to work with her for one semester, I really enjoyed getting to know her and reading her work as she wrote for our website and Inside Bauer magazine.

As it neared time for graduation, I had the chance to make Ann's senior portraits. Since the University of Houston has such a beautiful campus, we decided to make all the portraits there. We shot under the giant Oak trees that line the roads on campus, at the beautiful Hilton Hotel, near the Cullen Family Plaza Fountain with Sasha the Cougar (the school's mascot), in front of the Jack J. Valenti School of Communication (where Ann spent quite a bit of her time), and at the pond near the architecture and engineering buildings. 

With a beautiful girl and a nice sunny day, it wasn't hard to make some awesome senior portraits for Ann. Her cute outfits and stash of lipsticks in all colors added the perfect touches to make the portraits fit her personality.

Best wishes to Ann in her future endeavors! And go Coogs!

To book your senior portrait session, call me (Nicki) at 409-267-1032 or email me at [email protected] Special discount will be given to students at the University of Houston.



Dawn Davis(non-registered)
Trying to find out your prices and session times and outfit numbers if you could please call me, my son will be graduating from Uof main campus in December 2016.
Please contact me at
281-245-6147 Home
832-385-2862 cell
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