Babies and gators - Anahuac newborn portrait session

May 14, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Anahuac newborn portrait session--

Babies and gators are words commonly used in the same sentence, no? Well, maybe its just from growing up in the alligator capital of Texas that this doesn't seem strange to me ;)

One of my best friends and former college roommates sent out the great news last year that she and her husband were expecting their first baby. Of course, everyone was super excited for this sweet couple. A few months down the road, once they found out they were having a baby boy, Callie mentioned that she wanted to decorate his room in alligators. That evening, I proceeded to have a dream about Callie and Jon Mark having their baby and announcing to the world they had named him Gator. The dream definitely caused a few good laughs. Callie even mentioned that another friend suggested they actually name the baby Gator. Luckily, for this precious boy, his parents chose not to name him after a reptile and instead picked Jon Brooks. 

Jon Brooks is absolutely adorable and has already grown so much since these newborn portraits were taken just 10 days after he was born. His alligator bedroom was the perfect backdrop for his portraits, with each nook and cranny filled with gators big and small, children's books, handmade blankets and stuffed animals, nameplates, and mementos from his parents' childhoods. And above all, his gator baby room is in a house filled with love! 

Hope you enjoy these precious portraits of this perfect baby boy, his amazing parents and his gator friends!

After modeling for an hour or so, Jon Brooks indicated he was done with his session by sticking his tongue out at me...or maybe he was trying to do an imitation of a gator face ;)


If you're interested in having newborn portraits made or participating in the Milestones program, check out this blog next:
Milestones Blog


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