Capturing emotions, expressions - Classic black and white studio portraits

June 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Class black and white studio portraits--

Last summer I introduced a new line of portraits and products called Vintage Art. The intention of creating this line of portraits was to have a session that focused on capturing emotions and expressions in individuals or small groups. Environmental outdoor portraits are some of my favorites and are great for telling stories. Portraits of high school seniors with their awards, letter jackets, pets or vehicles are wonderful at capturing the senior in their element at that point in their life, right before they move forward into adulthood.

Vintage Art portraits are simple and beautiful because there is a face, and that's it. There are no props and nothing in the background. It's just big brown eyes staring back at you, perfect little dimples, a sprinkling of freckles on the nose, beautiful curls and timeless expressions. These portraits can be pensive, serious or content. They can be happy and lighthearted.

And if you're working with a kid who has a big personality, they can be silly too. But you know what? That's who they are at that moment and it's so worth capturing.

Next time you book a portrait session, considering doing something that's a little different in this age of photography and have your own Vintage Art made. This isn't anything new in photography, but it's not near as common now as outdoor portraits. I'm just trying to bring back a little more classical portraiture to the world.


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