Featuring the perfect pants - Portraits of a Houston blogger

February 04, 2016  •  4 Comments

Portraits of a Houston blogger--

My very good friend Carolyn recently started a lifestyle blog called Champagne and Schnapps. The namesakes of her blog are two of her favorite things...champagne and her mini schnauzer named Schnapps. You may remember Schnapps from a previous blog of our adventures together during my weekend as a dog sitter. 

A frequent project of lifestyle and fashion bloggers is to review products for various manufacturers to help spread word about said product. Carolyn was tasked with reviewing two pairs of Margaret M pants. By the way, these happen to be my favorite pair of work pants, and I bought them through Stitch Fix (in case you're wondering). But I'll leave the reviewing to Carolyn and the photographing to me. 

As with a lot of my portrait sessions, when the interaction between my subject and I is flowing well, I just can't stop from taking more photos. Carolyn mainly needed photographs that featured her pants, but I wanted a few more that featured her lovely smile and eyes.

Enjoy these portraits of Carolyn, then check back with Champagne and Schnapps to read Carolyn's review of the Margaret M pants. 



If you're a Houston blogger and would like to schedule your portrait session, call Nicki at 409-267-1032 or email at [email protected]

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Oh, I have to get some of those pants! They are adorable! She has such a cute style!
LOVE these shots! Those shoes!
Love the style!
Very nice business looking headshots! Keep up the good work!!
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