(Mostly) Women of Bauer - Fall/Winter issue of Inside Bauer Magazine

April 04, 2016  •  3 Comments

Fall/Winter issue of Inside Bauer Magazine-- 

What do a lady boss, kick boxer, competitive diver, a foodie and an entrepreneur have in common? They're all the women of Bauer. The Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston is a place where diversity thrives. The women of Bauer are a large portion of that diversity, and they are making their mark on the world in Houston and beyond. 

During the fall of 2015, I had the honor of photographing a number of lovely ladies (and a few gents as well) for the fall/winter issue of Inside Bauer Magazine at UH, which focuses on...you guessed it, women! I visited high-rise condos, executive suites, workout facilities, a radio station, a Hill Country deli and more to capture the lives of these Bauer students, alumni, faculty and staff.

This blog features photographs from some of my favorite portraits sessions for this issue of the magazine. Hope you enjoy the images!

To read the full issue of the magazine and hear some amazing stories of very talented people, click the magazine cover. While you're at it, check out the YouTube links throughout to get a more in-depth look at those who are featured.


For more Inside Bauer photos, visit the blogs written about previous issues of the magazine here: Inside Bauer Blogs

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Melissa Falk(non-registered)
Thoughtful and inspiring piece. Thanks for sharing it here )
This is so awesome! I love everything about this issue. And the photos you captured are fantastic!
Julie Patterson(non-registered)
No comments posted.

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