The Photo Girl - Katy, TX photographer

May 29, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

For new visitors to my site, many may think my logo is an odd choice for a photography business. But if you get to know me, it fits. 

When I decided to have a logo made for my photography business and website, I wanted something that fit me. Two ideas came to mind that created my final "Photo Girl."

I interned for The Baytown Sun the summer before my senior year of college. When I arrived, the paper hadn't had a photographer in a while, much less a female photographer who shot sports. The guys working in the sports department at the time enjoyed giving nicknames to all of their fellow co-workers. I was immediately dubbed "Photo Girl." A lot of the football coaches were surprised when a female would show up to cover the scrimmages, but after the sports guys introduced me as "Photo Girl," the coaches caught on and the name stuck.

Not long after that, Jimmy Buffet came out with the song "Hula Girl at Heart." A family friend called me when it came out and dubbed it as my song, probably because of my love for all things water related and my tendency to "dance" my way through life. The lyrics are:


She owns a window to the ocean
She has a pipeline to the sky
But earthly creatures rarely notice
When guardian angels pass them by

Like a gecko behind a painting
With hidden wisdom to impart
In a world that needs more dancing
She's a hula girl at heart

Photographs show she is lovely
Her bare feet are a work of art
Her fragrance speaks of frangipani
Yes she's still a hula girl at heart

With her pad and watercolors
Drawing fish and butterflies
Children always seem to conjure
Images they recognize
In the land beside the ocean
Where romantics seem to dwell
Destiny can set in motion
Ripples that turn into swells
She knows how to face the music
She knows where the magic starts
In a world that needs more dancing
She's still a hula girl at heart

Songs sing slow
Days zoom by
Time can't keep her
Nor can I

She has worn a wealth of costumes
Hula skirt to wedding gown
Lived in cities walked through jungles
Always sees the sun go down

In this age of teeming tourists
Fellow travelers know her well
The darling of deserted beaches
Hides her wisdom in a shell
Her sensual and easy motion
Seems impossible to chart
In a world that needs more dancing


When I got ready to have my logo designed, I asked around on Facebook for a graphic designer and was referred to Debbie Feister ( I told her my idea of having a hula girl holding a camera. We worked together with a couple of designs. And after a bit of tweaking, my "Photo Girl" came to life. And here she is...


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