A visit to the Texas Hill Country - Houston, TX photographer travels West

June 05, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

With Roddy and I being in the process of relocating to Houston, we decided our trip for our second anniversary would be a shorter, more local vacation than some of our cross-country expeditions. We've both always loved the Texas Hill Country, so an extended weekend of camping sounded like a great idea. 

We have been to the Hill Country many times, and have a few favorite places we visit each time like The Gristmill in Gruene and Texas Ski Ranch (wakeboard enthusiasts will understand), but we wanted to see a few new sites on this trip.

You may have figured after reading my previous wildflower blog, that I really love wildflowers. I don't know how, but a few years ago I found out about the Wildseed Farms in Fredericksburg (http://www.wildseedfarms.com). On our past trips to the Hill Country, we haven't ventured as far as Fredericksburg, so we made plans to make it this time, because you can never go wrong with Texas wildflowers in the springtime.

So, Wildseed Farms was our first stop. It didn't turn out quite like we had expected...I think we were both picturing long walks or some type of cart rides through acres and acres of wildflowers. They do have many acres, but the part we got to see was more of a large garden area. Anyway, it was still a very beautiful place to visit and I'd recommend it if you're out that way. 

Have you ever seen red bluebonnets? They had white ones too!


After spending the night camping at Ladybird Johnson Municipal Park, we headed a little further north to spend the day at Enchanted Rock. Both Roddy and I had visited Enchanted Rock before we met, but we had never been together.

Roddy is an Eagle Scout, so growing up he spent a lot of time hiking and camping all over Texas and a few other states. As for me, I haven't hiked a lot, but I can appreciate the beautiful scenery and landscape. You might can tell by the photos though that I was a little more excited about the wildflowers in the park than the rocks ;) But we had a nice day hiking and picnicking on this ginormous piece of granite.

This is the view from the top of Enchanted Rock.


As for the rest of our mini-vacation, we enjoyed relaxing on lawn chairs in the cool Guadalupe River, roasting marshmallows over the fire, paddle boarding down little tributaries of the Guadalupe and sampling the local tastes of the Hill Country including German food in Fredericksburg, steaks at The Gristmill in Gruene and barbecue at the Luling City Market on the drive back home. 







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